Immune Boosting, Stress Relieving Ginger & Turmeric

I thought this was worth sharing again as I’m stocking up on this. I plan to have some available at the farmers markets this weekend.

Our farm still has fresh ginger and turmeric. You can pick up while it lasts, every Saturday at Webb City Farmers Market and Joplin Empire Market.

My friend Mary recently shared with me what she did with the ginger she received in her CSA share. She made Ginger, Turmeric & Lemon Honey Bombs! With the arrival of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I found this to be a timely treat. Add a teaspoon or two to hot water, add it to tea or juice, or slather it on bread. This supercharged mix will nourish your body, mind and spirit.

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Spring Farming Adventures

It seems like there is always a crazy dip to freezing temperatures right around the time we are ready to transplant tomatoes. We put them out to harden off anyway. Doug tucked the tomato seedlings under heavy row cover last night in preparation for the hard freeze. We were expecting a low of 31. When I looked at the the thermometer this morning, it registered 25 degrees!

Yikes! Did they freeze? That would set us back 6 weeks!

I was very happy to see that the plants were fine. Thank goodness! We’re not out of the woods yet though, there are 4 more weeks until our last frost date. Spring, it’s a raucous adventure.

Tomato plants hardening off prior to transplanting.

We’re bringing more spring greens to market on Saturday. Our lettuce mix, market mix, mixed greens, baby kale and microgreens.

See you there!


OakWoods Farm News

Farm Happenings

Hello friends,

Welcome February! Now that we have finally passed through the Persephone period, the days are getting longer quickly and our plants will finally return to actively growing. Elliot Coleman named the term “Persephone Days” for the time of year when daylight falls below 10 hours per day referencing the daughter of Demeter, Goddess of the Harvest in Greek mythology. It’s during this darkest time of the year that plant growth essentially stops. Here at the farm, that period starts November 22 and ends January 19.

Now in February, we have kicked seeding and transplanting into high gear. The high tunnels allow us to get plants in earlier than we could outdoors. We’re thankful.

At market this Saturday we’ll have all kinds of microgreens, a bit of baby kale and spinach. With longer and hopefully more sunny days to come, I expect lettuce mix to return to market in mid-February. The high tunnels are packed with plants just waiting for the sun to return!
Be well, stay well!

P.S. If you know people you think would be interested in news from our farm, please forward this to them and encourage them to sign up at Subscribe Here.

2019 Opening Day at Webb City Farmers Market

Welcome Farmers Market spring and summer season! Come and celebrate Easter weekend with us! We’re bringing plenty of organically grown, fresh harvested local greens to Webb City Farmers Market and Joplin Empire Market. Featuring our OakWoods Farmhouse 8 variety lettuce mix. Plus our spinach mix which contains different varieties selected for taste, texture and color, and a selection of microgreens, fresh parsley and mini head lettuce. Continue reading

Immune Boosting, Stress Relieving Ginger & Turmeric

Our farm still has fresh ginger and turmeric. You can pick up while it lasts, every Saturday at Webb City Farmers Market and Joplin Empire Market.

My friend Mary recently shared with me what she did with the ginger she received in her CSA share. She made Ginger, Turmeric & Lemon Honey Bombs! With the arrival of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I found this to be a timely treat. Add a teaspoon or two to hot water, add it to tea or juice, or slather it on bread. This supercharged mix will nourish your body, mind and spirit.

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