Spring Greens: Swiss Chard

What is it? It’s a beet, minus the root. But unlike regular beets, chard produces big, tender leaves and crunchy stalks. The leaves are a bit milder than spinach but with the same texture. They are mild, sweet, earthy and just slightly bitter. The stalks remind me of celery with a sweet taste similar to beets.

To prepare, I simply rough chop the leaves and finely chop the thicker stalks so that the two parts cook in about the same time. Steam or sauté and toss with butter or olive oil, lemon, garlic, salt and pepper. I like the contrast between the tender leaves and the crunchier stalks. Serve this as a side or toss with cooked pasta and Parmesan cheese. Yum!

We will have Swiss Chard at Empire Market and Webb City Farmers Market for you on Saturday. Plus our lettuce mix, market mix, kale, green leaf and romaine lettuce, spinach, mixed petite greens, cilantro, parsley and mint. All the microgreens and spring greens! Plus beautiful French Breakfast Radishes.

You can pre-order from our store here or Empire’s Curbside Pickup here. Call or text me too, 970-980-9395.

Be well!

P.S. If you know people you think would be interested in news from our farm, please forward this to them and encourage them to sign up at Subscribe Here.

Spring Farming Adventures

It seems like there is always a crazy dip to freezing temperatures right around the time we are ready to transplant tomatoes. We put them out to harden off anyway. Doug tucked the tomato seedlings under heavy row cover last night in preparation for the hard freeze. We were expecting a low of 31. When I looked at the the thermometer this morning, it registered 25 degrees!

Yikes! Did they freeze? That would set us back 6 weeks!

I was very happy to see that the plants were fine. Thank goodness! We’re not out of the woods yet though, there are 4 more weeks until our last frost date. Spring, it’s a raucous adventure.

Tomato plants hardening off prior to transplanting.

We’re bringing more spring greens to market on Saturday. Our lettuce mix, market mix, mixed greens, baby kale and microgreens.

See you there!


We Will Have Shiitake Mushrooms at Webb City Farmers Market This Saturday

Our Shiitake mushroom logs are a year old now and finally starting to produce well. It’s amazing to watch how quickly they pop out after a soaking rain! This Shiitake strain is called “Miss Happiness”. We sure are enjoying them!

Here’s just one tasty way to prepare Shiitakes. This recipe is an adaptation of one from our spawn supplier, Field and Forest Products. It uses other ingredients in season at the market like kale and green onions. You could also substitute market pecans for the almonds. Enjoy!

Slow Cooked Kale, Cannellini and Shiitake
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Featuring Radishes This Week

Have you tried just harvested late winter radishes? They are so mild, crisp, tasty and beautiful. As I’m working in the high tunnel, I can’t help pulling them out of the soil and eating them right there!

If you haven’t tried them roasted, you are in for a real treat. They are really sweet! The next time you are at the Webb City Farmers Market pick up a bunch and try this simple recipe. Continue reading

Winter/Spring Farm Stand Hours

We are off to a bountiful start to spring!

We are now open Monday and Tuesday 11-5.

Sign up here to receive notification of produce availability and or to place special orders. Or call or text Karen at 970-980-9395.

Available today: Radishes, 8 lettuce blend, zesty salad mix, green and red head lettuce, romaine lettuce, kale, parsley, cilantro and eggs. Spinach by special order.